Friday, August 14, 2015

a change of pace

it felt like the changing of seasons. it felt different and completely the same. subtle changes.
no long stroller rides. no need to put babies down for naps. no movies. no sippy cups. no bedtime routines.

it was effortless. sunscreen and water. lots of water. they were content in the sand for hours. running ashore to show me sand crabs and grab a snack.

she laid on her belly down the shore and talked to herself and made drip castles.

he ran along the shore and rolled in the sand and i wiped sand out of his eyes and he didn't cry.

it was the changing of the tide. and that's where we are in life too.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

sandy bathtubs

there are a lot of days in summer where i get to dinnertime and i think, how did this day slip away? what did we accomplish? what will they remember? why can't i get a dinner put together before ryan gets home? eh.

an overwhelming sense of panic kicks in when i look at the calendar. summer is nearly over. we haven't been to to zoo 100 times like i anticipated. no library trips. not enough stories read, too much tv. and mommy guilt kicks in. nobody wrote about the mommy guilt in those baby books. i'm still waiting for it to go away. someday. sigh.
then, as i rinse out the tub, as i watch the little grains of sand slip down the drain, i feel slight relief. today was a good day. i can see evidence of it right here.