{my favorite home item}
the living room area rug from rugsusa.com. they have big sales. we bought it for 75% off and free shipping. i couldn't find a big rug anywhere for the price we paid.
{my favorite hobby of 2012}
{my favorite quilting accomplishment this year}
C Man's birthday quilt.
{favorite movie of 2012}
The Hunger Games or The Lucky One. worst movie The Grey.
{favorite overall accomplishment of 2012}
potty training that snarky girl.
{favorite shoe boot}
{favorite trip}
vegas with family and friends... and no kids. like none at all.
{favorite event}
well... a tie between D's first birthday and auntie M's gender reveal baby shower.
p.s. it is a ... BOY!
{favorite witch, shark, and pumpkin}